Transport company Krzysztof Zarzecki
We have been acting on the Polish market since 1988.
It is more than 20 years that we provide transportation services using our own fleet. We started in November 1988 with two dumpers doing services for craftsmen and small enterprises. In 1992 we made a step forward buying our first articulated vehicle and trailer for transportation of loads extending 12 meters in length. As we accomplished following orders we were able to modernize and expand our fleet - at first we invested mainly in TIR-standard trailers followed by trailers adapted to specialist transport of long loads. In the late 90's we started overdimensional transport, having enriched our fleet in our first extendable trailer with turned axles. In 1996 we purchased a parcel for fleet base where we are located up untill today.
About us
We have been acting on the Polish market since 1988 It is more than 20 years that we provide transportation services using our own fleet. We started in November 1988 with two dumpers doing services for craftsmen and small enterprises. In 1992 we made a step forward buying our first articulated vehicle and trailer for transportation of loads extending 12 meters in length. As we accomplished following orders we were able to modernize and expand our fleet - at first we invested mainly in TIR-standard trailers followed by trailers adapted to specialist transport of long loads. In the late 90's we started overdimensional transport, having enriched our fleet in our first extendable trailer with turned axles. In 1996 we purchased a parcel for fleet base where we are located up untill today.
Ubezpieczenia CARGO
Klienci naszej firmy mogą liczyć na ubezpieczenia CARGO, czyli ubezpieczenia przewożonych towarów. Dbamy o to, by usługi transportowe zawsze przebiegały bezpiecznie, aczkolwiek nie zawsze możliwe jest przewidzenie losowych zdarzeń. W związku z tym zalecamy korzystanie z usług ubezpieczenia w transporcie. Pozwala ono na pokrycie ewentualnych strat związanych ze zniszczeniem lub utratą ładunku.
Sprawdź szczegółowe informacje dotyczące ubezpieczeń CARGO, w tym przede wszystkim warunki zawarcia umowy.